Reiner Braun
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Basic Information
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This information will be updated as necessary!
↠ This is an alternative concept of Reiner Braun from Attack on Titan!↠ The concept is based in the world of the Bungo Stray Dogs series and comes from a reporter by the name of Reiner Braun that worked on appeals against nuclear weapons↠ I will not be writing the Attack on Titan Reiner on this account!↠ Literate and descriptive (most of the time)
↠ Crack and Serious threads
↠ Will often mirror your replies↠ Mature 21+ for occasional NSFW content - violence, language, lewd, if at all applicable↠ Multi-Verse (MV) and Multi-Ship (MS) - highly selective with ships - ships only done with chemistry.↠ Open to most crossovers, original characters and AU's!
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↠ Reiner Braun↠ North American, German decent
↠ Type RHA—↠ 6'4" (193cm)
↠ 230lbs (104.5kg)↠ Ability user
↠ Nuclear Response -- Transformation into giant with hardened skin, advanced senses and healing abilities
↠ Similar to Beast Beneath the Moonlight.↠ Wanted
↠ Potentially Port Mafia depending on who recruits him↠ Ability and name namesake -- Reiner Braun, German journalist who worked on appeals against nuclear weapons
In this AU, Reiner is a wanted ability user whose gift is similar to Atsushi's. He's been labelled too dangerous for society at large because of the destructive scale of his ability and Reiner's own unwillingness to work with the Special Abilities Division.Hailing from North America, Reiner was once held for government experimentation until he discovered his ability at the age of ten and used it to flee. Since then he's been on the run, desperately trying to find a safe haven from the government agencies of the world.The reality of Reiner's time in the facility is unclear to him, but the truth of the matter was that his own mother sold him to the government for a series of experiments to create gifted people using abilities that could be transferred from person to person. He was six years old at the time he was sold.Reiner's "discovery" of his ability was due in part to the fact that his ability was successfully transferred unbeknownst even to the governing bodies of the facility until Reiner's first use of and subsequent escape with it.He craves freedom in all forms and as a result, he continues to run until he's cornered and forced to use his ability for defence.Reiner knows very little about the Port Mafia or the Armed Detective Agency and as such, he could be swayed to join either team if given the right motivation.--Reiner's ability, Nuclear Response, allows him to transform into a ten foot humanoid beast with skin harder than metal, almost like that of a golem.With it he can bulldoze through just about anything and his strength is increased tenfold.While outside of this beast form, Reiner also has enhanced senses, healing and strength which he can use to his advantage in battle or escape.--There are a series of threads as of February 12th, 2021, that have had Reiner join the Port Mafia under the direction of Chuuya Nakahara and these are slowly becoming his main unit, however, there can and still will be threads where he is on the run and could potentially join either agency depending on who recruits him.
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↠ Reiner Braun↠ Half Eldian, Half Marleyan
↠ Type RHA—↠ 6'4" (193cm)
↠ 230lbs (104.5kg)↠ Author and Face of Trost District University↠ Born in the town of Liberio in Marley
↠ Lives in Paradis, the Trost suburbs
In this AU, Reiner is an author of a multi novel series that made him famous almost overnight.He lives in the suburbs of Trost in Paradis, originally born in the town of Liberio in Marley.He lives in a quite neighbourhood and suffers from frequent anxiety, especially when he has to go out and interact with his fans or uphold his obligations with his old university.
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↠ Reiner Braun↠ Demon
↠ Type RHA—↠ 6'4" (193cm)
↠ 230lbs (104.5kg)↠ Guard of Howl's Moving Castle↠ Formerly a human that was cursed by the Witch of the Waste
In this AU, Reiner is a demon that works and lives with the Wizard Howl.With his curse, he transforms into a massive man eating demon that protects Howl's Moving Castle when the wizard and the fire demon cannot.He occasionally prowls the wastes for threats to help Howl move the castle accordingly to avoid capture and other such threats from other wizards, witches, soldiers and civilians.
° ↬❦↫ °Name ↠ Reiner Braun
Sex ↠ Male
Orientation ↠ Bisexual - Male leanRace ↠ Half Eldian, Half Marleyan
Bloody Type ↠ Type RHA—Height ↠ 6'4" (193cm)
Weight ↠ 230lbs (104.5kg)Affiliation ↠ Marley
Rank ↠ Deputy Chief (former)
↠ War Chief (present AU)
Unit ↠ Warrior
Titan ↠ ArmouredHair Colour ↠ Sandy Blond
Eye Colour ↠ Goldenrod/Amber° ↬❦↫ °
This account contains various AUs attached to it. Please follow the below links for each one~!